Friday 31 January 2020

Ansys Placement Process



CPI cut-off : Usually 5.0 and above
Branches allowed : ECE only
Job Profile : Product Engineer (core)
CTC : 18.91 LPA


It was a pen-paper test with both subjective as well as mcq questions. Level of questions was moderate to easy. Some mcq’s were even directly lifted from previous year GATE papers. Questions were mostly from Digital Electronics, Signals and Systems and Network analysis.
There were 3 subjective questions. One of them was based on CMOS inverter drain characteristics. Another was from signals and systems based on fourier series and the last one was a simple question based on asynchronous counter.
Besides core questions there were two fairly simple aptitude questions in the mcq and one theoretical question of python. Mcqs were moderate to easy in difficulty. Make sure STA is conceptually clear.
6 students (including me) were shortlisted for further interview rounds.


Technical Interview  

I was the first interviewee in this round. There were 2 interviewers and they started off with basic informal questions like 'tell me about yourself' and 'what all is taught to you in your college curriculum?'. This round lasted for about 1hr 15mins and 90% of the discussion took place on the topic of CMOS inverter and the various ways in which power dissipation takes place in it. The interviewers were extremely friendly and helped me out whenever I got stuck or was unsure how to begin(which was most of the time). They kept giving me hints to help me reach the final answers to their questions. I could tell that they gave a lot of weightage to how confidently I spoke and my approach to start off my thinking. I was advised by previous interview experiences to keep speaking aloud whatever I was thinking and I did the same throughout the interview. I didn't exactly know the answers to a lot of their questions but with the help of their hints, managed to reach the answers to most of the questions. I tried to keep an informal but respectful attitude throughout the interview.
In the end they discussed a little bit of the paper from the written round asking me what my approach was to solve some of the questions. I wasn't able to solve the STA question in the written round so they asked me why i couldn't. When i told them it was because i was out of time, they asked me to solve it right then. To be honest I wasn't exactly confident how to solve it but at the time I managed to do it. While solving too, i made sure i kept speaking everything i was thinking. 
After this, they asked me to wait for the subsequent rounds if I were to qualify. I asked for some feedback and they said it was a good interview.
2 students(including me) were shortlisted from this interview round.


Technical cum HR Interview 

This one was a lot more laid back. There were two interviewers different from the ones in the previous round. They asked me about myself and about my strengths and weaknesses. Before I answered, they gave me a disclaimer that they didn't want to hear clichéd answers. Luckily i had prepared genuine answers for these questions and they seemed to be satisfied. They asked me how I found the paper and I told them it was fairly easy and that I could've scored better if it wasn't for some silly mistakes. Looking at my pointer(8.12) in my resume, they asked me where I stand in my class to which I responded 'slightly above average'. I told them how ECE in our college is polarised and divided into software and core and that I stood at the top 5-10% of the core students. They asked me why my pointer was low, to which I responded by saying that I preferred making projects and learning practically rather than mugging up questions a week before exams. The interview seemed to be HR-like but the interviewers weren't from HR.
They asked me if I had heard about Ansys, to which I honestly said that I had only heard of it from my Mechanical friends. I said I researched about it when I came to know it was coming to campus. They asked me what I found in my research to which I told them about the stuff I had seen on their website as well as some of the things I heard in the ppt. They asked me if I knew about ESD(Electrostatic Discharge). I was advised by one of our seniors at Ansys to study this, so I was able to say yes. I explained them what ESD was and they seemed impressed. They told me things were looking positive and asked me to wait outside.

HR Interview

This round was very quick. The HR was very polite and confident. He asked me about myself and my family background. He asked me if I had any questions to which I asked “what sort of work is done in the different locations (Noida and Bangalore)?”. After this, he handed me his business card and declared that they were good to offer me the job.

My other friend got selected too.

Personal Tips: 

1. A lot of emphasis was given to communication and speaking skills.
2. Make sure your concepts are clear and keep speaking out loud your thought process while answering questions.
3. Pay attention in the ppt and research well about the company and what it does. Be as honest as possible for informal questions.
4. Make sure you are well versed in VLSI and CMOS concepts for the interview rounds. ESD and ASIC design flow are some of the topics that Ansys works on, so it would be advisable that you have some knowledge about these topics.

ECE Batch of 2020

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About Vikas Jangid

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